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on July 6, 2009 at 1:37:53 pm

Our Workspace


The purpose of this workspace is: ______________



Plan to Launch Our Workspace

  1. Edit this page by clicking "Edit" above.
    • Write a quick explanation of why you're using this workspace, so others will know what to do when they arrive.
    • Rewrite these instructions to fit your organization!  Add as much detail as possible - ask specific people to create pages and add content.
  2. Watch the Getting Started video.  Invest 5 minutes, save hours in productivity each week.
  3. Invite two colleagues to this workspace.  Just enter their email addresses on the right side of this page.
  4. Ask each colleague to create a page for their department, and list what their current projects are.
  5. Send an email to the company announcing the workspace.


Note: Don't worry if this PBworks workspace doesn't take off quickly or slows down after an initial spike -- this is normal!  Keep people excited by showing them the usefulness of PBworks.



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